After the lunchtime conflict Prisoners return to their cells. The contrast between their psychological state and that of the Guards could not be more stark.
They laugh uproariously. They exchange ‘high fives’. They literally dance for joy.
All doubts about humiliating the Guards are forgotten. Success has forged them as a unit and spurred them on to further exploits.
Having faced up to the Guards and won out, they are elated:
pKM: Hey!
pPP: That was f***ing sweet!
pJE: You were flippin’ quality man. I thought he was going to go off.
I really thought he was going to go off.
pPP: I was like: ‘don’t f***ing…’!
pJE: I thought he was going to go off you know
pPP: This is just the start mate, this is just the start.
Conflict between Prisoners and Guards is escalating, and they are close to potentially devastating confrontation.
Power is increasingly ebbing from the Guards to the Prisoners. Can anything, or anyone, bring them back from the brink?
Knowing their lunchtime confrontation has undermined the Guards, the Prisoners celebrate
They dance for joy
Why did our findings differ from Zimbardo's? Our answer