
In these pages we provide resources for readers who want to go further and find out more – both about the BBC Prison Study itself and about the issues it raises.

First, we explore ideas related to the design of the study and its findings.

Second, we provide details of the various scientific publications that have come out of the study (many of which are available to be downloaded here).

Third, we provide a table which summarizes the timeline of the study.

Fourth, we provide details of the quantitative data that we collected during the study. These serve to validate our qualitative narrative and also underline the point that our claims about the study are backed up by solid scientific evidence.

Fifth, we explain how to obtain further materials relating to the study (DVDs, transcripts and manuals).

Sixth, we provide a list links to other relevant websites.

Seventh, we provide a glossary of the various psychological terms used in this website.

These resources are intended to be of particular use for teachers and students. If you have any suggestions for additional material that we could provide and that would be helpful to you or others, please let us know.


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Exploring ideas

Exploring ideas

Further reading

Further reading

